It seems like every day there is more bad news: global warming, plastic in the oceans, 150 species going extinct every day!
How are you supposed to navigate the difficulties of your life and also deal with all this bad news at the same time?
Thats where we come in, at we publish articles that have been thoroughly researched to give you clear, bite-sized information about what is going on in the world and, most importantly, what can be done to help!
We’re different from most news outlets in that we don’t want to make you depressed. We want to talk about the things that don’t make the headlines, while making sure we talk about the solutions, not just the problems.
Environmental news shouldn’t be scary, boring or depressing. It should be clear and concise, with realistic action points for the individual and wider communities.
Our team of writers are here to help you become enlightened – many of the problems facing our planet can be solved with greater awareness of the matter. And for the more complex issues, knowledge is the crucial first step to bringing about a solution.
We explore the most pressing issues facing our planet. We know that solving planetary problems isn’t black and white. But we want to be the social proof that big change often starts with one small action at a time.
Our authors write for the people, you! We hope to one day to become a universal resource for all things related to living a sustainable and ecological life. Our target audience is anyone who cares and wants to know more about the planet and what they can do about it.
You, the reader, are our motivation. Without you, there’s no point to this. We need you to make suggestions and signpost us on what to write about next to improve our content and our user experience.
Our mission statement is to make the planet a better place, one day at a time.
We are small now, but we dream big. We are dreamers and visionaries. We have a vision of a future where life on earth can live in harmony, where humanity can work together to accomplish great tasks such as ending world hunger, climate change, chronic disease, and maybe even travelling between the stars…
We hope you enjoy our website, make sure you check in to see our progress. Follow us on our social media: Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin
Why Was Founded? was born out of the concerns of two friends, David Perez Tovar and Kaine Moreno McDaid, a programmer and a scientist respectively. They realised that not enough was being done to solve the problems facing our planet. In particular, there was a lack of dissemination and clarity about the problems and how to solve them.
Through talking to many people, we realised that many people want to help but do not know how to start. This is particularly difficult when you already have a busy life as a parent, or a student, or a professional. We want to do more, but we can’t put our lives on hold.
And so was born. We wanted to empower people with bite-sized information, to give them a resource they could trust. That is where we are today.
Who Are was founded by two friends but we are now a small team of individuals with a range of skills, but a common goal: to leave the world a better place today than it was yesterday. is the platform through which we aim to achieve this goal together.
We are always looking for more writers to join our cause. If you would like to contribute to our articles, please contact us at
Be the best you, you can be. Be true to others, and most importantly to yourself.
Our slogan is: BE TRUE TO YOURSELF.
Coming soon: mobile app