Credit: Suzy Hazelwood/Pexels

What Do We Write About?

Our main focus here at is on environmental journalism. Anyone can be a journalist, it’s not about who you are, but what you are say.

An article can be about any subject that has some connection with the earth or the environment. articles often cover, but are not limited to, scientific and health topics related to the environment.

Our articles can be about something as simple as recycling, to cooking, to pollution, to science and even war and politics, as long as the article has an environmental component.

How Do We Write? wants to remain objective in our publications, therefore we do not take a personal stance or associate ourselves with any organisation, religion, sect, political party or nationality. We believe in equal values for all individuals and therefore do not tolerate any hatred, disrespect or foul language towards anyone.

When writing articles on, we always aim to present the facts first. Where data or facts are presented, we aim to present them in a scientific manner, always citing the source of the data. Articles should always provide authentic insight and honest communication.

That being said, we are human and can make mistakes. That doesn’t mean we won’t correct them and try to improve as best as we can.

Our articles are written by environmental enthusiasts who share our vision and our guidelines for sharing information. We are usually looking for people with an environmental, scientific, or other relevant background to contribute to our web resource.

How Long Does an Article Take to Write?

Articles currently take an average of one to three weeks to research, write, translate and publish. The time it takes to write an article depends on the weight and the complexity of the topic. Some complex articles have taken us months to write and some we haven’t even published because we couldn’t find enough information on a topic. We do our best to give a balanced and accurate view, so we would rather take our time rather than rushing to publish.

Article Guidelines

  1. We don’t attack or lay blame.
  2. We always try to focus on the solution, not just the problem.
  3. All information presented is accurate to the best of our knowledge, with appropriate citations to support the information.
  4. We always try to provide a balanced and honest viewpoint.

As a general rule, articles should be:

  • Easy to read and understand,
  • Well researched,
  • Grammatically correct,
  • Interesting,
  • Original in content.